f i l m s          p h o t o g r a p h y          d o c u m e n t i n g   a r c h i t e c t u r e          e x h i b i t i o n s          a b o u t         c o n t a c t                      ︎       ︎       ︎ 

Mercês Tomaz Gomes is a portuguese photographer and filmmaker based in Lisbon.

Architecture graduate in 2000, moved to Denmark in 2002 to study camera and light, sound, directing, editing and documentary at the European Film College, where she developed the first experiment on film. Directed, photographed and produced  Breve História do Vento(Brief History of Wind) using stop motion techniques with 35mm photography. Later in Copenhagen, with the support of Zentropa, was able to conclude the production and screen it at the Byen Lys Theatre.

From 2004 to 2005, based in Mumbai, she created a partnership with Kodak and the local production company Phat Phish in order to produce, film and direct A Ilha da Boa Vida (The Island of Good Life). This mid-length documentary, about the city of Mumbai, composed with more than 11.000 stills and recordings of city’s ambient sounds, was awarded as best experimental documentary at the Barcelona documentary festival DOCUPOLIS 7, in 2007. Throughout the year and the following year, the film was part of official competition in national and international film festivals.

In 2009, studied Applied Photography and Project at ARCO (Center of Art and Communication of Lisbon) and continued her studies at Atelier de Lisboa, developing a Large Format Photography project. Photography and film works were shown in three group exhibitions and one solo exhibition entitled Um Tempo.

In 2018 directs and produces the short film Lá vem o dia, awarded as Best Fiction Film at Architecturas Film Festival 2019.

She divides her work between photography and filmmaking.

Filmography as director and editor
Bem Bom - Realidade e Ficção, Documentary, 2020
Lá vem o dia, Short Fiction, 2018
O Outro Lado by The Loafing Heroes, Music Video, 2016
Dansez Dansez by Bana Congo, Music Video, 2016
Bana Congo by Bana Congo, Music Video, 2016
Bana Congo, Documentary at Democratic Republic of Congo, 2016
Os Filhos do Rock - Backstage, Documentary, 2014
Maldizer by Cati Freitas, Music Video, 2013
Bué by Sara Tavares, Music Video, 2009
Ponto de Luz by Sara Tavares, Music Video, 2009
A Ilha da Boa Vida, Experimental Documentary, 2007
Breve História do Vento, Experimental, 2003

“A Ilha da Boa Vida” BEST EXPERIMENTAL DOCUMENTARY at DOCUPOLIS 7, International Documentary Festival of Barcelona 2007
“Lá vem o dia” BEST FICTION FILM at Arquitecturas Film Festival, Cinema São Jorge Lisboa 2019.

Solo Exhibitions
“Um Tempo” at Balneário, Rua Rodrigues Faria 103, Edifício I, Espaço 3.21, LX Factory, Lisboa, 2012

Group Exhibitions
“8 – Exposição Coletiva de Fotografia”, Avenida Barbosa du Bocage, 113, RC, Lisbon, 2014
“Al Sul” Centro Cultural Emmerico Nunes, Sines 2014
“Novos Trabalhos”, Atelier de Lisboa, Confeitaria, Rua João Saraiva, 28, Lisboa, 2013
“Fora de Prazo” Espaço Avenida, Rua Rosa Araújo 19, Lisboa 2011
“N3” Ar.Co Centro de Artes e Comunicação, Rua de Santiago 18, Lisboa, 2010

Other work
Freelance Photographer and Film Director 2006 - present
Assistant Director and Set Photographer at several production companies,, 2005-2007
Architect at Falcao de Campos Arquitecto, 2001
Architect trainee at Tecniarq, 2000

Photography - Large Format Photography at Atelier de Lisboa, 2013 - 2014
Photography Applied to Project at Ar.Co - Centro de Arte e Comunicação, 2009 – 2012
European Film College, Denmark, 2003
Degree in Architecture, Lisbon 2000

© mercês tomaz gomes. all rights reserved 2025